Saturday, August 22, 2009

Dinner at Koh-ya yakiniku at Netural Bay

Last night we had dinner at Ko-ya yakiniku at Netural Bay with two of my goods friends whom I have not spent much time lately. It was a great suggestion to go to this Japanese BBQ. The atmosphere was great and the smell of BBQ thoroughly thin summer like thin air from miles away. Yesterday the weather was blessed with summer type of weather and lot of people were out and about.


The BBQ was interesting and it is not like the Aussie BBQ I know of where you put your sausages and lamp chops and someone cooks for you and then serves you while you wave your palm of the hands to keep the flies away. This was much refined. You place your order and get what you want to self cook and eat as it is cooking. It was nice as we ate, we could talk over and catch up on things we were not able to do for a while. These two friends are quite close to my heart and it was just nice sitting and eating, talking. I must admit I ate a lot.....I tried to even BBQ the cabbage ...mmmm did not go so well.

The interesting thing that caught my eye was the small fish -Shishyamo. I did not try it but it looked good. The other thing that caught my attention was the ox tongue thinly sliced and looked great on the BBQ. My friends loved it, they asked me to try but I did not have the courage but one day I will, I must get drunk first. It was a lovely night, followed by coffee at my home. Hey, we should do it again on a regular basis.

I have taken some pictures to show on my mobile phone as did not carry my Nikon SLR.

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